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rainy run

Running Assessment 


Do you want to start running but don't want to get injured?


Have you been running awhile - but always seem to be injured?


Are you a runner who wants to get faster?



A gait analysis will do just that! 

Get you running injury free!  Get you running faster to reach your next PR!


Running assessment
steps in Running Analysis
Running Assessment results

We talk injury history - what has been hurting, for how long & what you have done for it so far?

We talk goals - what are your running goals and timeline to get there?

We do muscle imbalances assessment - you learn what muscles need strengthening and what joints need mobility.

We do a video analysis - breaking down the gait into 5 key areas & see how you do in each.

You get your results in easy to follow pictures and links to all the exercises you need to improve your running.


What you get:

Marble Floor

Running History

Exercise Physiologist

& Goals

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