Lactate testing
For the athletes who want to get to the finish line as fast as their body can.
Personalize your training plan
Lactate testing
This is not the test for the person who just wants to get to the finish line.
This is for the athlete who wants to get to the finish line as fast as their body can.
You will learn all about the body's energy systems and how to train each system.
Train smarter & PR bigger
Learn more about Lactate testing here.

What others say about the Lactate testing
“Lactate testing has helped me dial in my training zones and allowed me to be more efficient in my training.
After multiple full distance triathlons and marathons where I overtrain, under train, hit walls and have similar results, I’m able to reach goals I never thought possible. Dayna and PR performance lab are amazing. “ - Ian Gerritsen
"Having my lactate tested has helped me realize my aerobic strengths and anaerobic weaknesses. It has given me knowledge specific to my fitness so I can build It and turn my weaknesses into strengths. Having multiple test results has shown me what is working in my training and where my training can be fine tuned for me."
- Elizabeth Dansie

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149 US dollars