Navigating Cut-Back and Taper Weeks:
Your Guide to the Snow Canyon Half taper week,
St. George, Chicago, & other fall Marathons taper weeks.
Hello, dedicated runners!
As we venture deeper into the world of marathon and half marathon training, it is essential to understand the pivotal role that check-back weeks and taper weeks play in a well-rounded training regimen. These weeks are not just a break for your body, but a strategic move to enhance your performance on the big day. Let’s delve deeper into why these weeks are a must in your training calendar.
Let's delve into how to navigate these crucial phases to ensure you are race-ready and set to achieve your personal best.
The Role of Cut-Back Weeks
As many of you gear up for the Snow Canyon Half Marathon, this week marks the cut-back week in our training plan.
Or are you on full taper with our St. George Marathon training plan.
(Your training plan should include a cut-back, lower miles/intensity, every week for 3-5 weeks. Our Snow Canyon Half training plan does it every 4 weeks.)
Here’s why this phase/week is critical:
Recovery and Regeneration: Cut-back weeks, characterized by a reduction in your training mileage, aids in preventing overtraining and reduces the risk of injury. Which is essential in muscle recovery and regeneration, helping runners maintain a healthy running regimen. Thus, fostering improvements in performance over time.
Mental Resilience: A slight reduction in training intensity can work wonders in building mental resilience, preparing you to come back stronger. Maintaining a runner's mental freshness, preventing burnout and maintaining motivation throughout the training period.
Technique Refinement: Utilize this week to focus on refining your running technique, ensuring a more efficient and injury-free run. Gives time for some cross training and fun runs with friends.

Taper Weeks: The Final Countdown
For those aiming to conquer the St. George or Chicago Marathon in just a few weeks, the taper weeks are about to commence, marking the final countdown to your big race day.
Here’s what you need to know:
Peak Performance: The taper period, characterized by a gradual decrease in training volume, is designed to bring you to your peak performance level on the race day.
Nutrition and Hydration: As you taper, pay extra attention to your nutrition and hydration to build optimal energy reserves for the race day.
Mental Preparation: Use the taper weeks to visualize your race day strategy, fostering a positive and confident mindset.
Strategizing Your Cut-Back and Taper Weeks
Understanding the significance of these weeks is half the battle won.
Here’s how you can strategize:
Personalized Approach: Tailor your cut-back and taper weeks based on your individual strengths, weaknesses, and the specific demands of the marathon you are training for.
Feedback and Adjustments: Use the feedback from your body during the cut-back week to make necessary adjustments in your taper strategy.
Rest and Relaxation: Don’t underestimate the power of good sleep and relaxation techniques to complement your physical training.
If you need more individual help, you can always schedule a call with us: here.

As we inch closer to your race remember that the journey to the finish line is as important as the race itself. The cut-back and taper weeks are your allies in reaching the finish line with strength and a smile.
Embrace this period of reduced intensity as a time to hone your strategy, nurture your body, and foster a mindset of victory. Here’s to achieving your personal best and running a race that you can be proud of!
Happy running!
I also encourage my athletes to get in a lot of mobility before their big race. During your taper is a great time to join our 15-day Mobility Challenge an easy design to help you get to the start line mobile, fresh, & ready to go!
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