You have young runners in your house who really want to RACE?!?!
Here are a list of events we know are coming up.
Please let us know if we are missing any you know of!

* Aug 16th - Enterprise Cross Country starts
- 1st-8th grade
* Aug 18th - 5:30 pm - Cedar "All Comers" (Cedar High School)

* Aug 23rd - Ivins City Cross Country starts
- 1st-8th grade

* Sept 3rd (Friday) - 1:30 pm - Canyon View (Middle School)

* Sept 7th (Tuesday) - 5:30 pm - Dixie "All Comers" (Bloomington Hills North Park)
Bring your own sticker/labels with the runner's name, gender, & school on it.

* Monday Sept 13th - Velocity Kids XC starts!!! - Treasure Valley Park (by CCHS)
Save $20 - sign up before Sept 6th!
* Sept 15th (Wednesday) - 5:00pm - Kanab (Mt Carmel Junction Golf Course)
Youth racers check in 4:30. Races start at 5:00.
All elementary and middle will race 1.5 miles.
Day of registration is available.

* Sept 17th (Friday) - 9:00 am - IRONKIDS Fun Run (ages 6 months-17 years)
- Register at Town Square Park on - 50 S Main Street
Wednesday or Thursday Sept 15-16 from 9am -6 pm
- Race starts Town Square Park @ 9:00 am on Friday Sept 17th

* Sept 18th (Saturday) - 9:30 am - Southview Trail Head, Cedar City
- 1 mile & Kids races (age 0-10 year 400-800 meter)
- 5K & 10K

* Sept 25th (Saturday) - Swiss Days 5K - Santa Clara 7:00am
5K only

* Sept 29th (Wednesday) - Enterprise Race Day (EHS) @ 5:00pm
1 mile & 2 mile (1st-8th) - Awards for Top 10
Sign-up at time of event = free
(Velocity kids will race this event)

* Sept 29th (Wednesday) - Hurricane (Sand Hollow Golf Course) @ 4:30
- Not 100% sure they will be doing kid races

* Oct 1st (Friday) -TBA - Snow Canyon (Ivins) @ Unity Park
- 1st - 8th grade
- 1 mile & 2 mile

* Oct 1st (Friday) - 6:00 pm - St. George Marathon Fun Run Walk N' Roll
- 1 mile & 200 m

* Oct 9th (Saturday) - 8:30 am - Cedar (Cedar High School)
2 mile - 6-8th grade

* Oct 13th (Wednesday) - 5:00 pm - Hurricane (Grandpa's Pond)
- 1 mile for 5th grade and younger
- 2 mile for 6-8th grade
(Velocity kids will race this event)

* October 20th (Wednesday) - St James Park, St George
Velocity Kids Meet open to all 1st-8th grade
- 1 mile & 2 mile
will be timed with STG Raced timing system
Sign up Monday Oct 18th

* Oct 27th - High School Cross Country State Meet @ Rose Park, Salt Lake

* Thanksgiving Day - Nov. 25th, 2021 - Confluence Park
*10K, 5K, & Kids 1K